Wednesday, 14 July 2010

22 June white lake drive north, rain and guesthouse

22 June 2010 Wednesday
Mal pensat, ens llevem i tot continua igual de mosques flotant per l’aire, enganxades a la roba exterior del ger, cremades i enganxades a l’espelma, mortes sobre el terra i estufa...fem la petita caminada per buscar un lloc per fer popo i pipi.. ens enfilem a unes roques amb la J i descobrim unes vistes del llac espectaculars on no estem a la vista del nostre ger però sí d’altres gent que pugui passar. Ja comencem a passar una mica de tot, quin remei! Fa sol i caloreta. Ens porta un termos nou amb aigua bullint, s’enduen el d’ahir, el pa dolç que vam demanar i un cop hem esmorzem, esquivant tantes mosques com podem, que tenen envaït el cotxe marxem. Parem en un altre punt a admirar el llac. Es gran. No puc evitar pensar en que el Ewan McGregor també va passar pel llac Blanc en el seu viatge en moto. Els yaks en remull, les mosques, el reflex dels núvols a l’aigua, la Judit enfilada a les roques fent de súper model i totes fent el símbol de victòria quan ens fem foto tant típic de les xineses!

Entre el White lake de camí cap al nord, ens parem a un ovoo amb unes vistes espectaculars. Estem alts i fa vent. Baixem i fa fred. No fresca, fred, cosa que m’agrada, després de la calor els dies que fa calor. Pujavem i a l’arribar a dalt ens trobem aquestes vistes genials. Parem i el Chaga ens demana koshoor. Hi ha una familia venent-ne pels que fan voltes al ovoo. Estan en una mena de marmita de llet grossa, després d’atipar-nos, ens van a buscar una ampolla de iogurt i vols i probem el iogurt entre les tres. És bo però fort pel nostre paladar, però va baixant! El Chaga paga perquè pel que sembla ahir a l’entra al parc del white lake no ens van cobrar l’entrada. Quin detall perquè s’hagués pogut quedar els diners. Els iogurts ens deixen l’estómac una mica “upset”.

On the way there we see strange looking sight. rain on trees, like black and white and grey little dots on our left, Amazing. It’s nice and sunny on the road, and just a few yards in front of us we see this. They way the driver explained what that was: here sun, there rain. We were lucky to get the chance to take a few pics and then it poured down on us! And we could clearly see the trees which had been greyish dots seconds earlier! Just amazing! Then road and Russian looking driver, with an incredible vertical cloud right next to me, until well after settling in the guesthouse, the moon …
The guesthouse…here we could choose whether to sleep in a house or a ger! WE choose a house, with a counter and big posters on the wall and a table and very uncomfortable beds. K and the driver sleep in a kind of separate room, whereas J and I in very uncomfortable, wobbly beds, so to speak. The man running the business was wearing a cowboy hat and had big black pores on his face. Chaga wonders why we don’t go for a walk and calls us “lazy women”, to our surprise! I sit with a mother and child on a fence, then judit and chaga come over and we are taken into their carpeted house, next door. We are given yoghurt which is kept in the same metal bowl under a low table. Good but a bit too strong to our taste. There’s a toddler, and other children in this spacious, carpeted room which is probably their home.
They say they have no meat, so they won’t cook, so we have to eat our own food. Judit and I eat tuna and bread, no noodles. We look at pictures with the man. Experience the toilet-going again, across the road behind this three-walls log thing to squat in, which usually are full of flies during the day and flyless at night.

Night falls and women come in and go out of our “house”. No privacy.
Chat, and have a laugh with judit in bed. She was going to change into her pyjamas and the number of her padlock wouldn’t open! No other choice i suggest than trying all the possible combinations! There you have us laughing our heads off! Luckily it was a 0 something! “shit out of luck” Hahahaha.

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