Friday, 9 July 2010

18 June 2010

- Milk is the staple food, goat, cow, camel, mare and horse milk: cream, fermented (third day), yoghurt, tea, rice tea (second ger) and small portions of food as meals.
- Humans, animals and land strong bond, but dogs are not allowed in the gers, apparently are kicked and not well-treated as other animals are.

18 June 2010
The ger top was left half open, i was wondering how cold it would get at night. It was nice and cosy last night during the meal, with the wood logs inthe stove. Dogs have been barking all night, which kept me awake. In the morning, we are the last ones, with the girl, to get up. Have a coffee (the sachets we’d bought) yesterday and buiscuits, which means we hardly eat, cos teh biscuits are not yummy. La judit es baralla amb la maleta, i el sac de dormir. Tenim les ungles brutes i no tenim aigua corrent per rentar-nos. We play football with the kids, we are dressed in a mongolian deel, me first. I wonder why the choose me: I was made to milk, steer milk, etc. They are a lot friendlier now, much as Mongolians are fairly expressionless. Others come and look, pictures, and their address to send them copies. Much as they are nomads they’ll get them. Horses, the animals are gone now.

Dinem sota un pet de calor brutal obrim el vi argentí que vam comprar a UB.
Cotxe. Pols.

It’s 9.30 pm now, it’s raining, we are inside a ger with no light, just our head torches and a candle. Diluvia. Una fent fotos, l’altre no escolta gaire. Avui ha estat dia de carretera i bots. Quan botes, contraus el cul com per minimitzar l'impacte si saltes. Això no és per tothom! Sortim fora a la pluja perquè a l’obrir la porta veiem una llum grogosa xulíssima. Arc de Sant Martí just davant nostre. Sencer i tant a propo que sembla que amb una correguda hi pots arribar gairebé. Una llum grogosa i una posta de sol “amazing”. Quina passada de lloc! Tenim dunes de sorra no massa lluny a la dreta. El chaga abans ens ha estat explicant sobre els casaments a Mongolia. Ens fan uns noodles com saltejats amb verdures- que ves a saber d'on treuen- bonissims i un platàs que no me l’acabo. La familia amb la que estem avui està acostumada a turistes i són més distants, estem en un ger per nosaltres 4 sols, que no està mal però volem simple families! Jejeje entro una estona convidada, al ger de la family. Fosc, hi ha una senyora molt molt velleta i arrugada. Ens acabem el vi. Ell dorm amb nosaltres. Estem com incòmodes, això de no poder-se rentar, ni canviar-nos en pau perquè ell està per allà mirant o entrant i sortint sense picar... No hi ha sentit de la privacitat o intimitat, aquí tothom entra i surt quan vol. I nosaltrse carregades de les nostres manies quan ells no en farien ni cas del que fem, encara que mirin.

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